overabundance of black shoes???????
I can assure you, there is no such thing!!!
well, april 15 is fast approaching and i can procrastinate no longer.
so in preparing the figures for the tax man, i started looking at where our money is going.
something hit me as i was half way through.
overabundance of black shoes???????
I can assure you, there is no such thing!!!
the dangers of pride and a rebellious attitude rs p. 3911-2 .
here is what the information says... .
reacting to situations on the basis of pride .
Theme: As JWs, we shouldn't be haughty because we are humble.
w04 8/1 p. 11 Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones ***Cultivate
Humility and Enjoy God’s Favor15
To enjoy lasting divine favor, we must remain humble. Once humble does not mean always humble. It is possible for a person to abandon humility and give way to pride and self-exaltation, which lead to presumptuousness and disaster. Saul, the first one anointed as king of Israel, did just that. When he was first chosen, he felt ‘little in his own eyes.’ (1 Samuel 15:17) However, after having ruled for only two years, he acted presumptuously. He disregarded Jehovah’s arrangement for offering sacrifices through the prophet Samuel, and he fabricated excuses for taking things into his own hands. (1 Samuel 13:1, 8-14) This was the beginning of a chain of events that unmistakably betrayed his lack of humility. The result was the loss of God’s spirit and favor, which eventually led to his ignominious death. (1 Samuel 15:3-19, 26; 28:6; 31:4)
Are we haughty because we feel we have Jehovah's spirit and others do not?
Saul had Jehovah's spirit and it led him to become haughty and sin.
*** w02 6/15 pp. 18-19 Learn and Teach Christian Morality ***
Teach Yourself?6
Why is it said that we must first teach ourselves? Well, we cannot properly teach others if we have not first taught ourselves. Paul stressed this fact in a thought-provoking passage that had import for Jews back then but that carries a serious message for Christians today. Paul asked: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? You, the one preaching ‘Do not steal,’ do you steal? You, the one saying ‘Do not commit adultery,’ do you commit adultery? You, the one expressing abhorrence of the idols, do you rob temples? You, who take pride in law, do you by your transgressing of the Law dishonor God?"—Romans 2:21-23.Are we out "teaching" Christian morality to others (lack of pride) but not demonstrating it ourselves?
I would simply ignore the apostacy issue. I would LOVE to have this material assigned.
did it seem to you that a lot of congregations had more than the usual sick people in them when compared with their worldly neighbors?.
could it be a common problem among jw's?.
do you think it may be mold?.
I do see it as a problem among JWs, but it is also a problem among a specific strata of the general population. I deal with injured workers, and it is amazing the impact emotional health (or the lack thereof) has on the body and its ability to heal. I have never seen a truly emotionally healthy person with CFS. In fact, even doctors will tell you that it is triggered by an emotional event.
I suspect there are a good number of emotionally unhealthy people among JWs, as there are among all fundamentalist religions. They are the most needy, so the appeal of being 'God's special people' readily appeals to them. In addition, being sick is the only 'acceptable' reason for not performing. You should see peoples faces when they ask me if I missed meeting because I was sick, and I reply, "No, I just wanted to."
i plan on posing this question the next time my dub friends knock on my door..
what is the good news, the gospel you preach?
as a witness, what are the responses i can expect?
Dear Ballistic:
No, I do not work for a large corporation. It's worse than that. I work in the legal field.
i plan on posing this question the next time my dub friends knock on my door..
what is the good news, the gospel you preach?
as a witness, what are the responses i can expect?
I am a JW. The word evangel is from the Greek word "evangelos" which simply means bringing good news. Religiously, it usually refers to the positive promises found in the New Testament. Any time anyone or any religion references those promises, they are evangelizing. In the future, we will all find out the true meaning of those promises.
I will add one caveat: My response is probably not your normal JW's response.
i actually stopped replying to certain sections of this website awhile ago now, i felt it was starting to get to me, certain comments that were made were making me think and i actually had to shake my head and snap myself out of it.
what i did was remove myself from here altogether for a few weeks and i only came back last week to inform everyone of my baptism decision, i have still not even read anything in certain areas of this website, but yes most definitely has sunday's watchtower lesson put all of that into perspective for me.
we do have to be very careful indeed of what or who we let into our lives, for if we do it can be extremely damaging consequences if we start to believe what we read.
I must say that our congregation has a good number of "thinkers" in our congregation. Though we choose to remain, we are not obtuse to the problems in the organization.
I suspect that the inability to think critically and reason is a problem throughout the general population. I recently heard the phrase "PBS attention span" used to refer to those who have longer attention spans and better reasoning abilities. PBS was included, I assume, because such persons tend to watch PBS type programs rather than the general television programming.
watchtower, may 15th 2006.
(back page).
the value of 'a weaker vessel'.
All women are cows (bovines)
w61 12/15 pp. 767-768 Questions from Readers *** • How can girls guard against temptation in this sex-crazy world?When a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind. Young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos. If they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the matter of sex, a boy and a girl are likely to become too familiar and to engage in what is popularly called petting or necking. They may practice this for a time and see no bad results. However, the time will come when there will be great danger in such actions. Why? In answer to this question, we can learn about nature and sex from the bovine family of mammals, both wild and tame.
Large herds of cattle, both male and female, wander over the plains feeding. Ordinarily the male or bull would not think of approaching the female or cow for sex purposes. If he did approach he would not receive a hearty welcome, but, rather, he might be gored by the cow’s horns. There is no petting or sex relations between bull and cow permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed. The bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place. However, when the female of the species is in condition to breed, she makes the matter known. If there is no male in the herd, she will go elsewhere looking for one and she is unsettled until she finds one and then is bred by him. Now she is contented, and the end result is a calf. In this connection it is interesting to note that the male animal has no season at which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act.
If we humans would take a lesson from these creatures, we would learn something of importance in matters of sex, as to its purpose and the results of its operation.
As with a cow, when a young girl who has reached her puberty is in physical condition to conceive and become pregnant, her sex emotions are greatly aroused. If she has association with a boy, she is inclined to think that it is the sweetness of the "boy friend" that causes this delightful and new feeling, and so she becomes infatuated with him. If the boy friend should become sexually aroused and lets her know it and then she yields her body to the advances of the amorous boy friend, she is likely to become pregnant as a result of just one sex experience of this kind.
Some persons foolishly think that they know when it is "safe" to have sex contact with those of the opposite sex and thus avoid becoming pregnant, but this is a serious mistake on their part. Even learned biologists do not know exactly when there is no danger of conception for a woman. This is due to certain irregularities in the case of various females.
When the ovum, that is, the egg cell from which the baby starts, is at large or is on its way from the woman’s ovary through her Fallopian tube to the uterus, there it remains for an uncertain length of time, which varies greatly with different females. Then is the time when conception can take place if the ovum is met by a male life sperm. During that same time the female is sexually aroused and is ready for the sex act that at this time will cause a baby to result. This bearing of children is the sole privilege of the female. In fact, this is one main reason for creating the female of the human species.
There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy. What a price for a girl, a virgin, to pay for a few minutes of satisfied sex emotions! When persons start in this dangerous and sinful course, they find it hard to overcome future temptations. When a young, unmarried girl falls to the temptation, the price she pays is terrible: shame, sorrow, a ruined reputation, endless troubles, with the danger of being disfellowshiped from a congregation if the girl is a dedicated member. It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this; and wisely she will direct her young life so as to end up in the position of a clean, happy wife and mother of legitimate children, journeying to the new world of righteousness, where there will be no sex problems amid a sex-crazy population.
shining one just did a thread on an article that supposedly shows the bible was not fabricated.
i didn't want to hijack his thread, so i started this one.. .
i'm getting old, i guess, and maybe alzheimer's is starting in, but i have lost my vision, my understanding, my assurity if you will.
I agree with Apostate Kate; don't confuse religion with worship. Next, define worship. What was 'worship' for Adam and Eve? Eating, playing, making babies, happily going about their lives.
Humans are the ones who have turned it into a druggery.
worldwide faith news (press release), ny - 3 minutes ago .
... 25. jehovah's witnesses, 1,029,902 members, reporting a decrease of 1.07 members.
24. the orthodox church in america, 1,064,000 members, reporting an increase of 6.40 percent.
Dear Forum Members:
Wow. What a heated discussion. As some of you know, I am an active, practicing JW. And I want to apologize for Dozy's behavior. As many of you have correctly pointed out, JW's have long bragged about our growth as evidence of Jehovah's holy spirit; nothing could be farther from the truth. I have been privately complaining about such nonsensical reasoning for at least 10 years! People would look at me as if I were crazy (apostate) when I would say, "What if we experience a decline? If growth is evidence of Jehovah's holy spirit, will a decline be evidence of losing Jehovah's spirit?" No one could ever imagine a decline.
Regardless of how you massage the numbers, whether it is this year, next year, or the year after, we most likely will experience a decline in membership. We have only ourselves to blame. The next question to be faced is, "What do we do about it?" Continue business as usual? Blame everyone and everything but ourselves? Or, take a long, cold hard look at what we have become...issue apologies where they are deserved...make recompense where due.
Dozy, there many good hearted, bruised individuals at this discussion board who have LEGITIMATE issues with the WTBTS. Your caustic responses bring no praise to Jehovah.
here is your dose of humour for this afternoon:.
a. follow the instructions to find your new name.. .
b. once you have your new name, post it so we can all see it.
Mines boring! Dorfus Farklehump. I think Crusty Sniffin Hiney or whatever is the best so far.